The Israeli army widened the range of rocket fire threats all the way to Ashdod - a 15-mile distance from northern Gaza. The new threat zone encompasses 500,000 Israelis.
The warning on Monday advised Ashdod residents to begin preparing themselves for the possibility of rockets. Defense officials have estimated that Hamas has acquired rockets with a 15-mile range.
The improved weaponry is attributed to more effective weapons smuggling through the Egyptian border. Writing in Ynet, Alex Fishman draws some sobering conclusions:
In the past week, Hamas fired about 100 rockets. A month ago, when the IDF operated against a Gaza Strip tunnel, Hamas fired 30 industrial Grad rockets in order to signal to Israel that it intends to dictate a different kind of lull. If Hamas can afford to fire 30 Grads just to signal, it means its weapons warehouses must be full.Frightening.
According to Israeli estimates, Hamas has an emergency supply of fuels and food that would enable it to withstand a month-long Israeli assault. Instead of preparing for war, perhaps it would be better if the group handed out all those goods in the warehouses to hungry Gaza residents.