Dec 11, 2008

900 days in captivity and counting

No hope and change for Shalit on this 900th day of his kidnapping
Dec, 11, 2008

Gilad Shalit has now spent 900 days in captivity after being abducted by Hamas terrorists from Gaza three years ago. Today was not a good day for Shalit or the nation's morale. Speaking today to high school students who will graduate soon and then be drafted for three years of mandatory service, Foreign Minister Tzippi Livni had these chilling words:

"We cannot always bring all of them (soldiers) home," she said. "The thought that I can free Gilad and am not doing it is a horrible thought."

Uh, it might be a tad more horrible thought for all the future soldiers to whom she just admitted that. Livni should consider firing her campaign managers as she seeks the prime minister's position.

But some people came to his rescue today. Maariv is reporting that Israeli protesters are blocking one of the Gaza crossings to prevent the transfer of money from West Bank banks to Gaza.

"It can't be that we transfer millions of shekels and we don't get a shred of information about Shalit," one of the protesters told the newspaper.

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